Counseling / Wellness
At some point in life, everyone needs a little extra care.
Among the most significant provided by Project Impact, is the service of counseling and wellness care. This service involves more than traditional counseling, it also includes preventive intervention designed to work with all areas of personal wellness and care.
At some point in life, everyone needs a little extra care, direction, and guidance. Regardless of who you are or what your life situation is all about, there will be times when you need to reach out to someone for support. This is where Project IMPACT can make a huge difference for you and your family. For nearly 25 years, we have offered people just like you opportunities to receive free support and guidance. These services are available on an individual or small group basis depending on your needs and the personal program we design for you.
Who are the Project IMPACT Counselors? Project IMPACT counselors are trained professionals… How Our FREE Counseling and Wellness Care Works children, youth, and adults are diverted from the court system and/or incarceration through guidance counseling, personal development workshops, and referral assistance.
Personal IMPACT Councelor
Those referred into our program are provided a personal IMPACT counselor who develops an individualized case plan with specific treatment goals and strategies to be achieved while a part of the program. The assigned counselor will meet with the client to evaluate treatment needs, set goals and provide additional support to ensure that each person in the program achieves their stated goals. A wide range of treatment services is available to each program participant to further assure their success and development.