New Center Development
Building the capacity to reduce youth violence across our nation
It continues to be our life goal to direct and train Pastors- mobilizing church leaders to establish IMPACT Centers across the country. Since the start of Project IMPACT, we have had the opportunity to divert over 40,000 youth from gangs, drugs, and violence.
With the completion of our “Strategic Plan”, our goal is to establish IMPACT Centers in some of our nation’s toughest neighborhoods. Each center will be responsible for reaching 300 “at-risk” youth per year. In short, Project IMPACT provides the church a “practical model” for urban ministry. By establishing an IMPACT Center, we show the local church “how to” reach youth and families that are threatened by violence. The mission of Project IMPACT is twofold:
1) To assist the church in developing its capacity to reach youth and their families threatened by gangs, drugs, and violence by
2) establishing IMPACT programs in the local church that offer our youth tools to survive and thrive in a hostile environment.
The world WE teach is the world THEY learn
Establish an IMPACT Center in your area:
Letter of Intent
The enclosed LOI will need to be signed and returned to our office. Following receipt of your LOI, we will assist you with the completion of the Feasibility Study. The LOI will need to be signed by the sponsoring organization.
Requirements and Costs
The requirements and costs will help you to more fully understand what it will take to establish an IMPACT Center in your area.
The Feasibility Study
The Feasibility Study will help us assess the readiness to establish an IMPACT Center in your area in five categories: 1) Does the program serve as an extension of the churches outreach; 2) Is there a need for the program; 3) Is there staff to operate the program; 4) Is there space to operate the program; 5) Is there adequate funding for the program.
Program Overview
These tools will assist you in explaining the program for those interested in referring youth to the program, via “Memorandum of Understanding”, along with those interested in financially supporting the program. Included is a 5-minute videotape and a copy of our Strategic Plan further explaining Project IMPACT and your affiliation with the National office.

Next Steps
Next Steps Once we receive your non-binding “Letter of Intent”, we will walk you through both completing the Feasibility Study and how to use the Program Overview. Once the Feasibility Study has been completed, you will then have the opportunity to decide whether or not you wish to establish an IMPACT Center in your area. If you choose not to establish an IMPACT Center, no fees are due. If you decide to establish an IMPACT Center, we would then enter into an Affiliation Agreement. You would be required to complete our 40-hour Affiliate Training program and forward to our office your $10,000 start-up fee. At the completion of the Affiliate Training, we would walk you through our Affiliate Start-up Check List to further assure the successful development of the center.